I got this question a lot and I think it's worth talking about...
Why did I block certain people on my social media? Why did I turned off my comment section or post then delete my posts? I have my reasons and it's important to me to set some boundaries.
People on the internet are crazy scary.
I have my reasons and a valid one. I find it appropriate to block certain people by looking through their profile and their followings. It says so much going through it by who they follow on their social media. Men with wives following women with a certain image on social media can give a huge negative impact.
I'm not saying all men, but most men and these days married women too.
I'm not being judgemental I am listing a few things that made me block certain people but only out of respect for their relationship/marriage just to prevent something unexpected. Secondary kids or young teenager, you'll be surprised to whom they follow online. People are allowed to do whatever they want with their social media, and as do I.
There's no personal reason for this, I am simply being cautious and not wanting to put myself in an uncomfortable situation.