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We're Equal

No matter what gender role you preferred to be it is all entirely up to you guys.

What I'm about to say here is about partnership, it have to be equal. We should uplift one another. The strength in each of the gender are different.

To my understanding or opinion,

Probably some relationship, both party must’ve experienced and went through a heartbreak or devastating past, however both carried out their trauma or paranoia differently. You can't expect the other to dismiss the trauma as you did. For some, trauma unconsciously made you constantly cautious because your brain wanted to protect yourself from breaking over the same cause, it takes time to give in to get comfortable and surrender half of your well-being to your significant other, just be patient. It's just that you don't want to be mistreated or taken advantage of repetitively. Just remember to let Him arrange what's best for you while you put in the effort and simply follow the flow.

While some take the previous failure as, just. No trauma, simply accepted it and moved on.

For me I never look back of whom had hurt me, when one chapter closes I moved on.

I do appreciate respect and to be treated equally. I am a women yes, I do not expect to be treated as if I possesses the strength of a man, no. Solely to be treated as I should. I'm a women with God given strength and man with theirs. That's what completed these two gender as partners.

To simply put it in a way for you to understand is, if you invited each other and welcome them into your life to sincerely accept them as partners and you treat them as they are. The same sense of respect and love you have towards your family and friends.

Marriage is one of our Deen. As you welcome a stranger into your life, you solemnly swear by to protect them and treated them with respect. It's an uncommon forgotten practise these days. If you think marriage will be the end of your troubles, it's not. It is actually the next chapter for the living. It gets complicated because we're humans with imperfections and driven by emotions and critical thinking however it can be fixed if you practise what you should.



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